Thursday, April 15, 2010

You Capture - FRESH

Fresh flowers are something I actually don't like to receive. It took me about five years to tell my husband that. I know, I'm not your typical girl. For some reason it just seemed wrong to take something so beautiful, cut it, put it in a vase and watch it die. Fresh flowers in bloom are another story. I don't know what kind of flower this is, but it's growing on a bush near the parking lot in my condo complex. When the whole bush is in bloom it's beautiful and was one of the first things that came to mind to photograph for this week's theme.Photobucket


  1. That's why you ask for the plants that come in a pretty pot so they can keep growing!

  2. Beautiful flowers!

    To me they look like rhododendrons... They are all over the part of Washington where I'm from.

  3. That's exactly how I feel about flowers. I love them, but I don't want to kill them. Plus, they're so expensive. Gorgeous shot.
